RisingWave Terms and Conditions 3
D. Evaluation. If the Order does not specify the payment of any Fees or Customer signs up for the Service
at https://www.risingwave.cloud/auth/signup/ without an Order (a “No-Fee Option”), RisingWave
grants to Customer a limited, nonexclusive, non-transferable license (without the right to sublicense)
to copy and use the Documentation and install and use the Software solely in object code form on
compatible (in accordance with the hardware, operating system, and other instructions provided by
RisingWave) devices owned or controlled by Customer, solely for Customer’s internal use of the
software, for a Subscription Term of a maximum of 14 days, which may be shortened or extended at
RisingWave’s sole discretion. The Subscription Term commences when Customer installs or first uses
the Software and ends at the expiration of the Subscription Term, unless renewed by RisingWave in
writing, or when either party chooses to Terminate the Agreement, according to Section 5.b. Customer
may not (and may not permit any third party to 1) use any Software for any benchmarking purposes,
including running benchmark tests or publishing benchmark, performance or comparison tests or
results, in whole or in part, or 2) use any Software as a hosted service, for application service provider,
timesharing or service bureau purposes, or any purpose other than Customer’s own internal use as
contemplated by this Agreement. No-Fee Service is provided solely at RisingWave’s discretion, and
providing one version of the Software as No-Fee Service does not indicate that RisingWave will provide
another version of the Software on a similar basis or make available any updates or upgrades, including
those necessary for data security. Customer may not exceed the “Small” Service Limits when using the
No-Fee Service.
E. Important Note For No-Fee Service Customers. Customers using the No-Fee Option without payment
of fees are ineligible for Support, and the Product may not be used, directly or indirectly, in connection
with any Service that is eligible for Support. If Customer purchases a paid Service, Customer will
discontinue and/or refrain from any use of the Product obtained under a No-Fee Option .
G. General Restrictions for the Service. Customer may not (and may not permit or encourage any third
party to) reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, or publicly perform the
Product in whole or in part, or use for or provide the Product Service to any third party or use the
Product Service on behalf of any third party. Except, and solely to the extent that such a restriction is
impermissible under applicable law or applicable third party license, Customer may not (and may not
permit any third party to) (a) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to
discover the source code, object code or underlying structure, ideas or algorithms of the Product
Service or any other application, software, documentation or data related to the Service, or any portion
thereof; or (b) interfere with or circumvent any feature of the Product Service, including, without
limitation, any license key designed to monitor Customer’s compliance with this Agreement; (c) assign,
sell, lease, license, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or attempt to transfer rights to the Product
Service; (d) use any Product Service other than in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations
(including but not limited to any applicable privacy, data protection and intellectual property laws) or
(e) alter or remove any copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights notices or labels that
appear on or in the Product. Where For Customer Implemented On-Premise Service is indicated in the
Order, Customer must uninstall and delete the Software following termination or expiration of this
Agreement. Customer acknowledges that the Software may contain an automatic termination feature
that renders such Software non-functional at the end of the Subscription Term. If Customer uses the
Services under this Agreement, Customer may not use any version of the Software, except that which
has been provided by RisingWave to Customer with the Services. For clarity, Customer understands
that it will be in material breach of this Agreement if it obtains a copy of the Software from GitHub, then
uses that copy of the Software with the Service provided by RisingWave.
H. Ownership. As between the Parties, RisingWave alone (and its licensors, where applicable) will retain
all intellectual property rights relating to the Service and Software, and all enhancements, derivatives
and modifications thereof, and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback,
recommendations or other information provided by Customer or any third party relating to the Service
and Software, including all applicable Intellectual Property Rights therein, are all assigned to